Everyone is welcome at Grace Chapel, no exceptions.

The Church has done a lot of harm to people by being judgmental and exclusive. We have heard countless stories of people

who walked into a church that told them that "everyone is welcome," but then proceeded to judge or try to change them.

Because of this, we have provided a home for "church refugees" here.

our mission

We're Building Our Permanent Home!

Our current building on Fishtrap Road was never intended to be our permanent home. We moved into that building as a temporary staging ground while we searched for our permanent location. Well, we've found that location and our construction process is underway!

learn more

As we look forward to Grace Chapel’s new building, we remember there is a  difference between a building and a home. We are asking for your help to MAKE THIS HOUSE A HOME.  Through this program, your donations will fill Grace Chapel’s walls with the practical tools to run a church and do God’s work in this community. 

Learn More

World Communion Potluck
Sunday, October 6th

At Grace Chapel we celebrate difference! We are looking forward to sharing dishes that are meaningful to our cultures and our histories at our “World Communion Potluck" after our 11:00am worship service. 

Sign up to let us know what you plat to bring. 

Sign Up!

Let us ask you a few questions:

Are you looking for a church not based on fear and guilt?

Are you divorced?

Do you support women in ministry?

Are you new to Texas and don't know if you'll fit in here?

Do you have doubts about God?

Are you a person of color?

Do you feel alone?

Are you a member of the LGBTQ community?

Are you stressed about your finances and need support?

Are you trying to find an authentic group of people who aren't afraid to ask questions?

Are you an addict?

Many people who answer "yes" to any of these questions have often felt excluded or unwelcome at church. If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, we just want to say one thing: welcome home.

Welcome Home!

Filling out a CONNECT card is the best way to begin here at Grace Chapel. We would love to give you a welcome gift and invite you to NEXT which is a one-hour meeting over coffee and dessert where you can hear the story of Grace Chapel, meet key leadership, and ask any questions you have.

We are so thankful that you are here!

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