
  • Rev. Joshua Manning


    Contact Pastor Joshua

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  • Rev. Kim Eiffert

    Pastor of Discipleship

    Contact Kim

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  • Sara Meek-Rogers

    Director of Family Ministries

    Contact Sara

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  • Kellon Hutchinson
    Worship Director

    Contact Kellon

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Grace Avenue United Methodist Church exists in multiple locations so that we can bring the hope of Jesus Christ to as many people in our area as possible. We believe in engaging with our community, which is easier to do with local churches planted in the heart of our different communities, instead of one massive campus that people have to drive a long way to reach.

We currently have two campuses with plans to continue planting new faith communities during the next few years so that more more families can find a spiritual home.

**Our new campus is currently under construction! You can learn more about that new location HERE!

Click on one of our campus links below for more information.

  • Grace Avenue UMC

    Frisco, Texas

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  • Grace Chapel

    Aubrey/Prosper, Texas

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